
Inshot tutorial

A Versatile Video Editing App for Everyone InShot, a popular mobile video editing app, has gained significant traction among users worldwide. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive features, it offers a user-friendly platform for creating engaging videos. Let’s delve into the app’s target audience, core features, ease of use, performance, and compatibility. Target Audience InShot […]

il e yord

Have you ever dreamed of living like a nomad, roaming the vast lands of Iran and experiencing their rich culture and cuisine? If so, you might want to check out Baseri’s tribe Nomadic touristic accommodation, also known as “il e yord”, located near the city of Shiraz. Baseri’s tribe is one of the oldest and […]

همکاری با جفی

همکاری با جفی دوستان خوب راهنمای من سلام من جعفر سراج هستم صاحب جفی  اولین عروسک جهانگرد ثبت شده ایرانی قبل از اینکه بخوام راجب شروع همکاریمون باهم صحبت کنم لازم میدونم ازتون دعوت کنم که اینجا یه توضیح کامل راجب این پروژه بخونید .همراه-با-جفی-و-سفرنامه-هایش Instagram : jeffytravel همکاری ای که ما […]